luni, 30 iulie 2018

Tivul gandurilor.

Dimineata mi s-a rupt tivul gandurilor. Cum nu s-a desprins nicio metafora (si chiar de s-ar fi desprins, era oricum prea devreme pentru cuvinte), am luat un bold si l-am prins la loc. Apoi mi-am pus bocceluta pe umar si-am plecat sa culeg liturghii.

luni, 9 iulie 2018

A visit to Confidential will be something awesome

Did you ever want to just relax completely and forget all about your problems and worries? Did you ever desire to set your body and mind free from all of the stresful events of your life? Then look no further because I have the answer for you right here. The best way to realease all your tension, both physical and psychical is coming to get a massage at Confidential, the best erotic massage parlor in Bucharest.
This great establishment is a real paradise for both men and women that desire to leave behind for a few hours their problems and just unwind in the pressence of a masseuse so great that she will blow their minds. The great women that work at Confidential are truly special simply because they know exactly how to make any client relax, unwind and simply enjoy a true massage session. Relaxation time starts easy at Confidential, you will walk into a room that is lit only by candles and you will be met by a calming odor. Relaxing music is playing in the backgroud and one of the most beautiful women that you will ever meet in your life is waiting for you to take of your clothes and sit on a comfy bed.
Don’t get your hopes too high though. The women that work at Confidential are not there to do anything more than just give you a massage session. Nobody will blame you though if you get excited because as we all know, an erotic massage session implies that both parties are naked and that their bodies are touching in a very sensual and intimate way. Her breasts will touch your back and her kisses will simply wash away all off your problems, worries and stress.
The girls that work at Confidential not only know exactly how and where to touch a man, but they also know how to entertain him so that he relaxes completely and starts enjoying her company. You can chat them up a bit of course, but always remember to be polite and to treat them with respect. However, trust me when I say that you will not be able to keep up a conversation. From the first time these girls will lay their hands on your body to the end of your session you will feel nohing less than the purest form of pleasure and ecstasy.
Let loose and come feel what true perfection feels like, come and have a taste of the best forms of relaxation with the help of the amazing women of Confidential.

duminică, 8 iulie 2018

Nori laptosi

Dimineata am urmarit norii, ori sa ma fi urmarit ei pe mine?! Nu, eu i-am urmarit pe ei. Erau doua straturi, aparent in miscare. La o mai atenta privire, stratul de la etajul superior, cel cu norisori alb-rozalii era nemiscat. Cocotati undeva departe, foarte sus, pareau o pata distincta pe cerul albastru deschis. Intre ei si lume s-a interpus un strat de nori negri, in permanenta miscare. Am urmarit pret de minute bune cum norii inchisi la culoare au traversat cerul, in timp ce albii laptosi ramaneau parca incremeniti in statornicia lor pe bolta de azur. M-am gandit ca nu degeaba norii se misca si, odata cu ei, si perceptia noastra asupra imaginii lor. Acum, in pauza vizuala, privesc spre fereastra si urmaresc nori albi in plina miscare, traversand acelasi cer si totodata mereu diferit.